The next EB Clinet Online Seminar is dedicated to the topic of 'Nutritional Needs and Anemia in Adults with EB'.
Date: Wednesday 14th June 2023
Time: 14:00 UTC
Duration: 45 minutes (including Q&A and discussion)
Price: FREE
Intended audience: Healthcare professionals working in the field of EB

The nutrition challenges in EB are as varied as the disease itself. Dietary demands of patients depend on the form of the EB they have and also on their stage of life. Further, anemia is a common complication of severe cases where early management strategies also include improving nutritional status.
Nutritional needs for people with EB can change from childhood to adolescence and adulthood . A factor that is becoming more and more relevant in more severe forms of EB is anemia. This common secondary effect of EB will be an important part of the agenda of this seminar.
This topic will be presented by Anna L. Bruckner, MD, MSCS; Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and Dermatology Director of the EB Clinic at Children's Hospital Colorado.